

The AON1120™ device is a cutting-edge edge AI device that provides exceptional performance and super-low power consumption. The device comes integrated with application-specific inference algorithms, making it a turnkey solution for always-on sensing and voice activation.

The AON1120™ chip is powered by AONDevices’ AONVoice™ and AONSens™ technologies, with dual neural network cores that can be independently configured to suit specific applications. It delivers the lowest power consumption available in the market, without compromising on performance.

What’s more, the AON1120™ device eases the burden of system design by integrating application-specific algorithms. This eliminates the need for additional algorithm or firmware development, making it easy for developers to integrate into their products.

In addition to its powerful hardware features, the AON1120™ device comes with a complete AI tool suite that includes dataset augmentation, training, and inference optimization to simulate device-level behavior.


AON1120™ meets high performance at super low power

Highest performance with single microphone

Full stack solution offering Always-on voice and sound recognition with single microphone (90% Hit rate @ 0dB SNR)

Lowest cost solution with algorithms integrated on chip

No additional algorithms or tools are required


For example Microphone and accelerometer data processing concurrency

Scalable platform

- Fast and low-cost vocabulary, sound or sensor weights updates
-500 samples and only few days to complete the flow
-Over-the-air updates

Lowest chip power solution in the market

260uW in 100% constant speech and <80uW in listening mode

AON1120™ enables low power applications

Local voice commands Acoustic event detection Speaker identification Multi-sensor fusion

AON1120™ EVK

AONDevices’ team will provide EVK and build use cases for customers to evaluate the solution prior to commercial agreement


Find Out More

FPGA demonstration is available