At the edge super-low power, high accuracy wake-word, voice command, acoustic event detection, speaker id and sensor support

  • The AON10xx IP is a super low-power and high accuracy AI processing engine for Wake Word, Voice Commands, Acoustic Event Detection, Speaker ID and Sensors.
  • The AON10xx IP is part of the AONVoice™ processor family, AON’s application-specific edge AI processors for deep neural network inferencing at the edge. Unlike general purpose processors, DSPs and dedicated processors that rely on third party AI algorithms, AON’s processors optimize accuracy at super-low power by embedding proprietary, use-case specific neural network architecture and integrating tuned inference algorithms. AON processors also support training with a unique data augmentation tool.
  • The AON10xx compact AI processing engine delivers the highest hit rate accuracy per microwatt available in the industry under real-world, noisy conditions.
  • AON10xx Hardware IP can be integrated in a standalone chip or in a sensor, such as a microphone, allowing the Application Processor to stay in idle state during the always-on listening state.
  • AONDevices also offers the SW algorithm AON10xx for porting to a third-party DSP for less power sensitive applications.